Oimo Technologies Inc.

2031 Store Street, Victoria, British Columbia Canada

Sell more with AI-powered SMS sales.

Booking Buddy is an AI sales agent that sells to your contacts over SMS.

Try for Free

Sell more with AI-powered SMS sales.

Booking Buddy is an AI sales agent that sells to your contacts over SMS.

Try for Free

Sell more with AI-powered SMS sales.

Booking Buddy is an AI sales agent that sells to your contacts over SMS.

Try for Free

Sell more with AI-powered SMS sales.

Booking Buddy is an AI sales agent that sells to your contacts over SMS.

Try for Free



Hey Brianna, this is Lisa from BnB cleaning. We just wanted to check in and see whether you needed an extra set of hands this month.

Hi, I was actually thinking about contacting you. How soon can I book?

We can have a crew over this Saturday July 22 at 11am.

We can have a crew over this Saturday July 22 at 11am.

We can have a crew over this Saturday July 22 at 11am.

Works for me!

A new teammate for growing home service businesses.

A new teammate for growing home service businesses.

An extra set of hands for the people who keep the world spinning.

An extra set of hands for the people who keep the world spinning.

An extra set of hands for the people who keep the world spinning.


Launch new campaigns with personalized messaging and offers.


Booking Buddy builds trust, answers questions, and closes new bookings over SMS.


Booking Buddy follows up to ensure satisfaction and ask for a review.

Personal text conversations that drive new sales.

Personal text conversations that drive new sales.

Booking Buddy engages leads with personalized conversations that feel human.

Booking Buddy engages leads with personalized conversations that feel human.

Booking Buddy engages leads with personalized conversations that feel human.

Booking Buddy engages leads with personalized conversations that feel human.

Answers customer questions, generates estimates, and books new jobs.

Sends payment links, appointment reminders and follow up texts.

Manage campaigns and monitor ROI.

Integrates with popular CRMs and booking systems.

Hey, this is BnB cleaning, we're just checking in to see if you need a hand this month.

Hi, I was actually thinking about contacting you. How soon can I book?

We can have a crew over this Saturday July 22 at 11am.

Works for me!

Answers customer questions, generates estimates, and books new jobs.

Sends payment links, appointment reminders and follow up texts.

Manage campaigns and monitor ROI.

Integrates with popular CRMs and booking systems.

Built for home service operators with busy lives.

Built for home service operators with busy lives.

Built for home service operators with busy lives.


Pest Control


Pool and fountain care




Plumbing and Electrical

Your new favourite marketing channel.

Your new favourite marketing channel.

Unlock the potential of AI powered customer engagement.

Unlock the potential of AI powered customer engagement.

Unlock the potential of AI powered customer engagement.

Existing customer are 5x more likely to convert than new leads.

SMS message have 99% open rates.

SMS message have 99% open rates.

45% average response rate.

45% average response rate.

Simple Pricing

Simple Pricing

Simple Pricing

You don't pay a dime until Booking Buddy makes you a sale.

You don't pay a dime until Booking Buddy makes you a sale.

You don't pay a dime until Booking Buddy makes you a sale.

$9.99 per booking

$9.99 per booking

$9.99 per booking

Unlimited texts

Unlimited texts

Unlimited texts

Unlimited campaigns

Unlimited campaigns

Unlimited campaigns

Custom integrations

Custom integrations

Custom integrations

Hands on support

Hands on support

Hands on support

Schedule a Demo

Personal text conversations that drive new sales.

Booking Buddy engages leads with personalized conversations that feel human.

Answers customer questions, generates estimates, and books new jobs.

Sends payment links, appointment reminders and follow up texts.

Manage campaigns and monitor ROI.

Integrates with popular CRMs and booking systems.



Oimo Technologies Inc.

2031 Store Street, Victoria, British Columbia Canada

Oimo Technologies Inc.

2031 Store Street, Victoria, British Columbia Canada

Oimo Technologies Inc.

2031 Store Street, Victoria, British Columbia Canada